Application Areas for Surface and Internal Coating

Whether external or internal coating is required, when it comes to coating surfaces, Sprimag is a first-choice partner thanks to its range of coating systems and paint finishing systems. The design of the coating system is based on the type of surface and the material concerned: From the coating of metal, plastic and rubber-metal parts through to glass and other materials. When it comes to packaging, Sprimag has made a name for itself in the internal coating of aerosol cans and beverage bottles, tubes and beverage cans made from aluminum,

Application Areas fur Surface and Internal Coating


Coating Plastic Parts

Coating Glass Parts

Coating Metal Parts

Internal Coating of Metal Packagings

Coating Rubber-Metal Parts

Coating Systems for a Wide Range of Applications

The range of industries that Sprimag already supplies with coating systems and coating application solutions is diverse. The first industry that Sprimag served, meeting the high quality standards that it set, was of course the automotive supply industry. Alongside this, Sprimag also provides system concepts for companies in the cosmetics industry, and has already developed coating systems for plastic parts such as lipsticks and glass perfume bottles. Sprimag is also equipped to meet the specific requirements of the food and beverage industry. As well as these key industries, Sprimag has already supplied automatic painting systems to many other industrial sectors.

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